Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday Post (04/08/2009)

Title: World of Awe

Description: A body of works concerned with digital culture, storytelling, and language. The works are based on a traveler in search of lost treasure in a parallel world.

Artist: Yael Kanarek

Location: June 2009 exhibition at Nelly Aman gallery in Tel Aviv

Date: Concieved in 1995, The following 2 images are separate works from 2007.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Monday Post (04/06/2009)

Title: Noplace

Description: A video Net Art project on notions of Paradise and Utopia.  Visitors enter the site and enter a sentence about their current desire or future goal.  This is then converted using sound and images from the Internet into a movie.

Artists: Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg, with Jonathan Feinberg, Rory Solomon & Johanna Kindvall

Location: Tate Online

Date: September 2008