Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sixth Weekly Post (for 11/18/2008)


Artist: Brian Judy

Title/Date: The Grid (2000)

Category: Abstraction

Function: The given description states: "High energy games and toys for the practicing art consumer." Without reading this I do not think I would have understood this as much. Since this is an abstraction, I see this as someone trying to create a game or toy for a child. This artwork depicts the process to create a new toy or game. When you start going somewhere, you think you have an idea of a sequence or order. However like this piece, at first you won't get to where you want. After you click on something you think you have it figured out but have to "go back to the drawing board" as an toy inventor would while creating a game.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fifth Weekly Post (for 11/11/2008)


Artist:  Ben Fry

Title/Date:  2001

Category:  Animation

Function:  The artwork is an animation based on an algorithm that moves alone.  However, the viewer is able to interact and move the parts of the image.  In doing so, text appears or disappears above the selected section.

Also, this work is similar to the marine plant, this artwork seems to attack the little floating dots that get near it.  When you click to move a piece of the work, text appears on the screen.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mandala Critique #2 (6th weekly)

URL:  Juleah Chandler

This particular Mandala reminds me of using a spirograph in elementary school.  The thin lines give it a unique quality that attracted my attention to this mandala.

However, the blue lines and the small circles give a feeling of outer space.  While the center moves somewhat slow, the outer circles seem to orbit around in a constant pattern.

When I tried to stop the circles, I noticed not everything on this mandala has a button.  Some movements can't be stopped which I think works well.